Prithvi Path,Dharan,

PAN No.602345817

Why we are offering course for Rs.999/-

2024-01-14 21:43:47

Why we are offering course for Rs.999/-

As we step into 2024, our mission is crystal clear: to cultivate a generation of skilled developers who are ready to conquer the world of technology!

At Code IT, we understand that financial barriers should never hinder your educational journey. That's why, this year, we're breaking down the walls that often keep aspiring students away. We are thrilled to announce that our course fee is now affordable at Rs. 999!

Why Join Us?

  1. Affordability: Education should be accessible to all. With our course fee set at Rs. 999, we've made sure that finance is no longer a roadblock to your success.
  2. Top-notch Curriculum: Our courses are crafted by industry experts, ensuring you receive the latest and most relevant knowledge in the field.
  3. Hands-on Learning: Gain practical experience through real-world projects, making you job-ready from day one.
  4. Supportive Community: Join a community of like-minded learners, foster connections, and grow together.

Who Can Join?

Whether you're a student, a professional looking to upskill, or someone passionate about technology, our doors are open to everyone. No prior experience is required—just a zeal to learn and grow!

Special Offer for 2024!

Enrol now for just Rs. 999 and embark on a journey of knowledge, growth, and success!

🔗 Enrollment:  Google Form or Get Admission

Don't let financial constraints hold you back. Seize this opportunity to invest in your future today!

 ☎️ Contact us at 9862130505 | 025-575163
