Flutter Training in Nepal
Learn Flutter with Code It - Comprehensive Mobile App Development Course
Duration: 1 Month
Course Fee: Rs.1499 /-
Flutter is one of the most in-demand frameworks for building high-performance, cross-platform applications for mobile, web, and desktop. At Code It, our Flutter course is designed to equip you with hands-on experience in developing scalable and responsive apps. Guided by expert instructors, this course is perfect for beginners and developers looking to master Flutter.
Why Learn Flutter at Code It?
- Affordable Pricing: Learn Flutter for just Rs. 1,499, making it accessible for all Nepali students.
- Expert Guidance: Our instructors are experienced Flutter developers who provide practical, real-world training.
- Free Benefits: Daily recorded classes, free certification, internships, and lifetime support.
- Career Opportunities: Gain the skills needed for a career in mobile and cross-platform app development.
What you will learn
Dart programming fundamentals for building robust mobile applications.
Real-world project experience with complex applications like e-commerce platforms and healthcare management systems.
Testing strategies to ensure the quality and reliability of your Flutter apps.
Skills essential for launching a successful career as a Flutter developer in the dynamic mobile app development industry.
Advanced Flutter concepts including UI design state management and API integration.
Materials included
Free Certificate
Life Time Video Access
Live Session (Google Meet)
QNA session After class
Basic Programming Knowledge
Course Syllabus
Introduction to Dart
- Overview
- Introduction to dart programming language
- Data Types
- Operators
- Const and final
- Null Safety
Control Flow and Loops with dart
- If else Statements
- Switch Statement
- Breaks and continue
- For Loops
- For in loops
- Do While Loops
- While Loop
Functions with dart
- Creating Basic functions
- Parameters and return keyword
- Positional and Named Parameter
- Arrow Functions Notation
Object Oriented Programming in dart
- Introduction to OOP
- 4 Pillars in OOP (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism)
- Creating classes
- Constructor
- Getters and Setters
- Mixin
- Abstract Classes
- Factory Methods
Extra Dart Topics
- Generics
- Extension Methods
- Enums
- Typedef
- Control Flow in Collections (if and for)
Dart 3
- Records
- Patterns Matching
- Switch Expression
- Class Modifiers (abstract, interface, sealed, final, mixin, base)
Introduction To Flutter
- Basics Introduction
- Basic about widgets
- Stateful Widget vs Stateless Widget
- Creating and using Custom widgets
- Adding images and Fonts
Navigation with Flutter
- Navigation Basics
- Named Routes
- Generated Routes
- Passing Data between screens
Offline data storage
- Working with shared preferences
- Relational Database vs No SQL Database
- Creating database connections
- Creating tables with SQLite
- Performing Queries in SQLite
- Update Queries in SQLite
- Delete Queries in SQLite
Working with Third Party Library
- Working with Camera
- Working with Connectivity
- Working with Google Maps
- Working with PDF
Http request with Flutter
- Asynchronous programming
- Fetch http requests
- Working with JSON
- Casting JSON to model instances
- Working with dart futures
- Working with Interceptor
State Management with Getx
- Installing
- Controller
- Model
- Views
- service
- Counter App with GetX
- Getx Routing
Basic git classes
- Creating a repository on GitHub
- Pushing local changes into the repository
- Pulling and cloning projects from the repository
- Resolving merge conflicts
Project Work
- Recipe App
Building animation
- Animation library classes
- Stateful widgets for animation
- The ticker provider
- Tweens with curves
- Nature of animation
- Observing the use interaction
- Tween ranges
- Working with widget rotation
- Box animation
- Animated builder
Extra Stuffs with Flutter
- Social Login (Google and Facebook)
- Firebase Notifications
- Local Notifications
Form Validation with Flutter
- Form validation
- Global key referencing
- Retrieving form values
- Submitting the form
Basic Git Classes
- Creating a repository on GitHub
- Pushing local changes into the repository
- Pulling and cloning projects from the repository
- Resolving merge conflicts
Project Work
Online Class
December 17, 2024
Class Time