Prithvi Path,Dharan,

PAN No.602345817

Home > Full Stack > Laravel PHP Framework

Laravel PHP Framework

Duration: 14 Days
Course Fee: Rs.999 /- Rs.16500

This syllabus is designed to provide participants with a hands-on and comprehensive introduction to Laravel, a popular PHP web application framework. The course covers Laravel fundamentals, MVC architecture, database integration, authentication, RESTful API development, and best practices for building modern and scalable web applications.

What you will learn
Learning about Composer
Installing Composer and utilizing it to manage packages and dependencies in your Laravel project.
Leveraging GitHub for hosting and collaborating on your Git repositories.
Implementing basic routing and understanding named and grouped routing.
Passing data to views and sharing data across multiple views.
Configuring controller routing and applying middleware to controllers.
Understanding database concepts in Laravel
including migration and schema building.
Applying the learned concepts to create a fully functional News Portal using Laravel.
Materials included
Free Certificate
Life time video access
Future Support
Personal Computer
Familarity with basic HTML CSS and JavaScript
Basic understanding of PHP
Course Syllabus

Introduction to the course

  • Welcome to course
  • How to get help
  • Source code of the course
  • Visual Studio Code Recommendation
  • What is Laravel
  • Resourced and Link

Laravel Setup

  • Setting Up for Windows! - Section Introduction
  • Installing Xampp Service
  • Installing Composer
  • Installing Node.js

Laravel Introduction

  • Laravel Project Structure Overview
  • Artisan Command


  • Understanding Routing in Laravel
  • Defining Routes
  • Managing and Naming Routes
  • Route Parameters
  • Optional Route Parameters
  • Constraining Possible Route Parameters Values

Templating and Views

  • Understanding Templating, Views and Blade
  • Template Inheritance and Layouts
  • Passing and Rendering Data in Templates
  • Simple View Rendering Routes
  • Conditional Rendering
  • Loops in Templates
  • More Control Inside Loops

Request and Response

  • Redirect Responses
  • Returning JSON
  • Returning File Downloads
  • Grouping Routes
  • Request Input (Reading User Input)
  • Request Input - An Overview of Options


  • Controllers
  • Single Action Controllers
  • Resource Controllers
  • Implementing a Resource Controller

Configuration and Environment

  • Configuration and Environments Overview
  • Configuring the Database Connection

Database: Introduction and Migration

  • Databases Bird's Eye Overview
  • Migrations Overview
  • Creating and Running Migrations

Database: Elequent ORM

  • Understanding Eloquent ORM Models
  • Models - Creating and Updating, Introducing Tinker
  • Models - Retrieving Single Model
  • Models - Retrieving Multiple Models and Collections Overview
  • Models - Using the Query Builder
  • Practical - List of Blog Posts and Single Blog Post


  • Forms Markup
  • Cross Site Request Forgery Explained
  • Forms - Storing Submitted Data
  • Forms - Input Validation
  • Forms - Displaying Validation Errors
  • Forms - Form Request Classes
  • Session Flash Messages
  • Forms - Old Input Helper
  • Forms/Models - Model Mass Assignment

CRUD: Editing Updating and Deleting

  • CRUD - Edit Form
  • CRUD - Update Action
  • CRUD - Deleting Using Forms
  • CRUD - Deleting Models

Assets & Styling (JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap)

  • Installing Bootstrap CSS Framework
  • Including Assets in Views
  • Versioned Assets (Cache Improvements)
  • Introduction to Bootstrap CSS
  • Understanding CSS Flexbox in General and in Bootstrap
  • Layout Grid and Styling Header Bar
  • Styling Forms
  • Styling Post List Page
  • Styling Single Post Page
  • Styling Flash Messages and Error Messages

One to One Elequent Relation

  • One to One relation with migration
  • One to One assigning relationship
  • One to One querying relationship

One to Many Eloquent Relation

  • One to Many relation with migration
  • One to Many assigning relationship
  • One to Many querying relationship

Querying Basic

  • Lazy Loading vs Eager Loading
  • Querying relationship existence
  • Querying relationship absence
  • Counting related models
  • Using withCount() in practice (fetching count of comments) with test

Model Factories

  • Model Factory introduction
  • Model Factory states
  • Model Factory callbacks (afterCreating, afterMaking)
  • Application: Implementing comment list


  • Authentication overview
  • How user registration works in Laravel
  • Guard component and how logging users in works
  • Custom registration form and Auth routes
  • Formatting validation errors
  • RedirectIfAuthenticated middleware
  • Retrieving the currently authenticated user

Database Seeding

  • Database seeding basics
  • Using Model Factory inside Seeder
  • Individual seeder classes

Laravel Blade Component

  • Blade Components introduction
  • Component aliases
  • Conditional rendering in Component
  • Practical: creating reusable component

Many to Many Eloquent Relation

  • ManyToMany introduction
  • ManyToMany migration
  • Defining ManyToMany on models
  • Associating models in ManyToMany
  • Querying the ManyToMany relation and Pivot tables
  • Practical: displaying the list of tags using Blade component
  • Practical: list of blog posts by tag

File Storage and Uploading

  • File Storage introduction
  • File upload form
  • Handling file uploads
  • Using Storage facade to store files
  • Getting the URL of stored file
  • Practical: Image model, OneToOne relation and migrations
  • Uploaded image URL
  • Practical: Displaying uploaded image and styling
  • Deleting files
  • Validating uploaded files (size, type, dimensions)

Project Work

  • School website
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